Photo - The DLS 2015
Thursday, November 12th, 5:30 to 6:30PM Edu 1115 (map)
Mathematics and The Ocean
After introducing some issues arising in oceanography and coastal engineering, the lecture will turn to a brief
historical resume of mathematicians' efforts to model water waves. This leads to
an indication of some of the modern theory.
Applications of theory to understanding
the issues raised earlier will then be undertaken. Topics surveyed will
include tsunami propagation,
rogue wave generation and nearshore zone beach protection.
Followed by:
Colloquium: Professor Jerry Bona (UIC)
Friday 3:30 to 4:30PM
Abstract: We will discuss nonlinear, dispersive wave equations defined on tree-like spatial domains. Problems of this nature
have arisen in the mathematical modelling of the human arterial system. The derivation of such models in this
biological context will be discussed,
recent work on the long-time well-posedness of such models
presented and preliminary comparisons with in vivo data presented.